Friday, December 17, 2010
Sounds of laughter and freedom to breath!
About three months ago we started working with a local business, Pricemart in order to provide ALL our kids with Christmas presents. It was alot of work and the folks at Pricemart were so dedicated and determined to make sure that our kids experienced the blessing of receiving! Pricemart decorated a tree and the ornaments were fotos of our precious kiddos. Members were able to adopt a child and provide for their needs, clothes, shoes and even toys. Yesterday was the day and it was AMAZING! Pizza, cake and presents....we asked one of our kids to volunteer to pray and one of our 7 year old boys prayed such a beautiful prayer, blessing God for providing and considering the desires of our hearts. So fun!!!
The kids got AMAZING gifts and we all felt so blessed! It was a great time for all!
Yesterday afternoon, following our Christmas party we took 20 youth out to serve in our local community. They took clothes, toys and blankets to share with the community around us. We prayed over families as we attempted to meet a few needs. It was an amazing time....really, really amazing! We are enjoying the opportunity to build relationships with the children of this community!
As we entered our campus the sound of laughter filled the air. Kids everywhere playing with their new toys and just enjoying laughs....It was simply beautiful.
We are enjoying a more relaxed environment and the opportunity to spend more time just lov'n on our children. Tonight we are just grateful, grateful for a God who sees and knows our hearts, grateful for family and friends, for blankets on cold nights and shoes for our feet! AND grateful for people in our community who have compassionate hearts and the determination to bless our 165 children!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
"Stay Close..."
In the craziness of raising 165 children how do we stay focused, how do we keep our perspectives wide...
I confess that my tendancy is to just focus on the little piece of life that is right in front of my face, a screaming child, a failed test, a critical supervisor, etc. causing my brow to forrow and my perspective to be slim. I'm thinking that this is not exactly how God has called or is calling me to respond to life. Self-evaluation is not fun but I think it's necessary evil, inspiring real change and deep growth. That said, I'm grateful for the many moments God's given me in the last month to just think!
As I've asked some really hard questions and recognized some really difficult things about my own character, God has not spoken in a booming voice or fixed me....though that would have been a splendid thing to experience. No, my loving Savior has given me one challenge...."STAY CLOSE to me!"
John 15:1-6
"I am the vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. ABIDE (Stay Close) in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
This passage has been a great source of affliction in the past but for today Christ is simply challenging me to focus on staying close to Him, on abiding rather than on the lack of fruit in my life. Those areas of my life and character that are such a challenge right now can only be corrected as the character of Christ bears up under me and reflects through me....and that can only be accomplished as I sit with Him.
In sitting at His feet, the truth of what lies deep in my heart has begun to rise to the surface. Not easy or fun to deal with but this week I feel more excited than ever as I feel the Spirit of God moving and changing me, empowering me to let go of past wounds and to walk in JOY! In my last post I shared that God has been challenging us in a serious way as we learn to shepherd our youth here at Casa Bernabe. As we desire to take them deeper, past cultural Christianity, the Spirit of God is challenging us too....allowing us to feel the heat of the fire as we sit in the crucible, willingly allowing the Holy Spirit to dig deep into our secret places, healing and burning off all that would keep us from reflecting GLORY.
So much more to share but for now dear friends....the challenge is this....STAY CLOSE!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Where am I?
Life has been so busy and I've been on this unique journey that's truly left my mind looking a little more like mush and less like something functional! No, I've not taken up drinking or illegal drugs but as God continues to lead us toward restoration here on this mountainside, He's not just allowed us along for the ride with our young people but He's really challenged us to be active participants. As He works, His Spirit penetrates more and more intimate, hidden places and my mind reels! I LONG for more of HIM, for the FULL revelation of CHRIST in my life.
How often we miss it! I think that is the point of His question and I deeply feel that He's calling me to be PRESENT! Present in this moment, not planning or looking to tomorrow but rather, HERE right now, available to my beautiful little boy as he finishes math homework....Here right now aware of Stefan's intimate needs....Here just enjoying this moment!
As we journey toward RESTORATION, so often we're looking at our kids, their pasts, their challenges and we are looking for ways to love them to the cross. That in and of itself is not wrong or bad but I know that in looking, trying to be creative, thinking ahead sometimes I miss really precious moments to just be with them. I feel so challenged to just be....
Where am I? Well lately I've been caught up in alot of really good stuff but I've missed alot of really precious moments so I'm praying for balance in my life, I'm praying that GOD will continue to break yokes, to free me of my past and to guide me on this journey that's become so very personal!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Here in our little room, thanks to Tony B. our waterfalls have been detained and life without buckets has resumed! In the midst of buckets, black trash bags and heavy storms I thought more than once, "what's next?" I'm ashamed to admit this as we truly are so blessed here. My attitude was certainly LESS than God exhalting and I found myself demanding my "rights" at the throne. "I've worked so hard all day, I'm empty and God I cannot share my bed with the rain!" As Stefan and I finally gave in and realized that sleep would not be possible beauty somehow flooded our room. There we lay with bowls on our chests eating apples and laughing away! Life doesn't always look the way we'd like it to, experiences are not always what we expect but when we are truly living surrendered to the KING of KINGS, life is beautiful! The more that we ask Christ to "REVEAL" Himself to us, the more conscious we are of our words, our attitudes and of eachother!
Tonight we watched a movie with some friends and were so impacted by three particular women in the film that were the town "gossips." It was amazing, before a word came out of their mouths we knew that they were gossips....their faces told the story...
I'm challenged as I look in the mirror tonight....what is the story that my face tells? What is it that those around me receive when I open my mouth? AND even more importantly what is it that Christ receives from this supposed intimate relationship that we share? Is HE truly glorified? Do I live more and more TOTALLY surrendered TO Him?
So I come back to this:
CHRIST REVEAL YOURSELF FULLY TO ME, TO MY FAMILY AND TO MY COMMUNITY. We are not content with what we've got....we want MORE OF YOU! I truly believe that as we plead with Christ for Him to "ABIDE" with us and as we truly seek to ABIDE in HIM we will see COMPLETE RESTORATION.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thoughts from under the rain...
Stefan and I have started the 4th grade and let me just say, it's a whole new ball game! This year we felt so ready and we are just stunned at the difficulty of the material. Between video instruction and homework, school is at least a 10 hour day! Stefan and I are learning alot about eachother, our weaknesses and our need! In all of this I've been thinking about what it means to be a parent, the ups, the downs, the unexpected failures and the unmerited successes! I've relied more on the Spirit of God in the past three weeks in relation to parenting than I have in a long time and it's been so amazing to watch Him move among us...granting me patience and eyes to Stefan steadfastness and a willingness to learn. When we lived at Texan Hall we felt so blessed materially! We lived in this amazing 3 bedroom cottage and just enjoyed life. Our kitchen had a table...thanks Phyllis Salamy! Our porch had a table and those tables provided the awesome opportunity to fellowship together as a family! But in our one little room here we've struggled to implement our normal family traditions! And I had no idea how this was affecting Stefan. This past week we've begun to put our closet together which has provided extra space, we bought another chair and now are enjoying meals around a table....and what a difference that has made! We've laughed so much and that has truly brought healing and rest to our busy, busy lives!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
7 years ago I was sitting at my desk at Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, while my sweet boy was "signing the sidewalk"....making history at Casa Bernabe. Our hearts hung in the balance as we waited for God to move mountains to make our family a reality and now...GLORY!!!!!!! HE IS FAITHFUL! Each time I walk over Stefan's sweet little hand prints I am reminded....GOD DID THIS! AND He continues to be FOR these children...each one of our 162 beautiful pearls!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
An update of sorts....
The month of August was so busy! So many exciting things happened....
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
August 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Open Doors
"The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens." Revelations 3:7
The days and weeks seem to run together and more and more I feel like my head is spinning as our lives move at this fast pace. But last week as I sat down with my "to do" list I was overwhelmed by the amount of large projects and I just began to pray…Lord, not my will but yours be done in each of these projects. There was a VBS happening at my home church, Snow Hill Baptist Church in Tuttle, Oklahoma and they had chosen to highlight the work at Casa Bernabe and specifically our baby house. This meant sending pictures, videos and the like…however our internet decided not to cooperate making an easy task a long and frustrating one. There was this HUGE project with Brigada 40….that of organizing a mission trip to build houses for widows! Great project but honestly my faith was dwindling in the area of finances…There was the issue of this Sexual Abuse Prevention seminar that I am to facilitate in August but the material arrived late to team in MO and thus did not make it here. In each area I began to pray…Lord, open and close doors….
Tonight I am STUNNED!
We serve an AMAZING GOD who hears our prayers and orchestrates events that we couldn't even dream up to accomplish HIS purpose.
- The VBS at Snow Hill was AMAZING from what I hear! Brandi S. caught the vision for the baby house and did an incredible job of empowering our family in the Tri-City area to impact the beautiful babies that Casa Bernabe serves. We thought it would be nice to have a rubber floor for the baby house as our tile can be so unforgiving and through the faithfulness of children, our baby house will be REMODELED, including a rubber floor! THANK YOU SNOW HILL!!!! Oh, and the internet finally allowed us to upload….if you haven't seen the videos….please check them out: or
- Our widow building project has developed and grown so much over the past week. God confirmed that we have the finances to build 3 houses! This is AMAZING! The youth at Snow Hill have worked super hard and the community of faith there has been super supportive! They have raised enough money to provide a home to a widow in need!!!! And our team here will GET to build it and share Jesus in such a practical way! Living Stones confirmed that they will join us for the trip and will provide the financing for 2 houses! Our kids are super stoked about raising funds here…car washes, bracelet sales and the like will allow them to play an active role in this project! Dates have been set and the door before us is OPEN!!!!
- About a month ago I was invited to share my heart in the area of sexual abuse prevention at a meeting where orphanages from around the country would be represented. I was so excited although a bit nervous. The idea for a seminar was received enthusiastically and a date was set, however the material never made it down…frustrating! BUT God made a way and just today I received ALL the material in my office to be able to offer this valuable training to 10 different ministries. SO EXCITING!
I am so amazing at the way that God provides for us! His timing is perfect and His provision beyond what I could ask or imagine!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
More on a mama's heart and surrender...
So one of the most enjoyable things I did this month was plan a retreat for our "Quince" group. It was SO much FUN!!! We are so thankful for the way that God has empowered Living Stones in Reno, NV to come alongside this group of young people to help prepare them for their futures.
The retreat has been an idea that has occupied our minds much of late and at the heart of it, the desire to address such issues as higiene, pure relationships and of course sex...the good, the bad and the ugly. We were so blessed by the way that God provided and pulled every detail together. The hotel that we stayed in offered bungalows with kichens which allowed for Quince to plan their meals and then we all went shopping together. It was great for the kids to come face to face with the reality of what it really takes, financially, to feed that many of them. They had a budget and the girls had to put things back due to lack of funds which was a really amazing experience. They talked through it...made decisions but in the end still ate like queens!
The sessions were informal which made for a family like environment and the girls responded so well! Throughout the two days I was able to connect with girls that I've really not known before and I was able to really build up relationships with others. Sometimes we experience things in life and we ask..."How could this happen? How could God possibly use this for His glory?" I've asked these questions alot in my life and honestly each time I think there is no way, God shows up in a big way, turns the challenges into something usuable in His Kingdom and gets the GLORY! I truly feel like that is what happened during our two days together. Every adult present was able to speak into these lives in such pivotal ways.
I've had some revelations this month that ONLY a LOVING Father could give. For the past five years I've begged the Lord for a house full of boys and the ability to stay at home and minister to and raise up God-fearing men. Well, I have two full time jobs, try to manage Stefan's homeschool and so the term "stay at home mom"....pretty much not a reality! However as I mentioned in my last post God recently opened a door for me to become a foster parent. While I totally believe that this is an opportunity that God has given, I have also felt Him gently nudging my heart, gently asking me what it is that I truly desire to do. Is it to be that stay at home mom....which would take a miracle by the way.....
Is it to be a social worker, a youth worker, a disciple maker????? It is not that both aren't possible but reality is that it's really challenging to do it all and do it well. So tonight I lay my mama's heart, my need for reorgainization and my desire to serve King Jesus at HIS feet in surrender....
Lord have your way...not my will but yours be done!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Update on life.....
It's been a over a year since Stefan and I answered God's invitation to join HIM here at Casa Bernabe and it's been an amazing journey to say the least. Each day is a new adventure that causes me to have to step out of my comfort zone, ruthlessly trust HIS sovereign hand and relinquish the control I so tightly hold onto!
About two months ago I was encouraged by a dear friend to consider what ruthless surrender looks like, to consider what letting go really would entail. Now, let me share that this has been a painful journey! One that is still evolving and that takes a new and different shape everyday! Honestly I felt that I was "surrendered" in every sense of the word....I mean really! So the first stop on this journey: PRIDE!
In researching surrender and trying to grapple with the concept that I was not surrendered I came upon a devotional that convicted me beyond words.
"Let God shine His holy light on the dark corners of you that you've never let Him touch. And tear up that contract you want God to sign; the one with all the ways you've wanted things to be. Give Him a blank piece of paper, pre-signed by you to do whatever He writes on it. You're at the end of your power and at the beginning of His. Surrendering is the way to winning, and powerlessness is the most powerful position in the world."
I was stunned as I read these words. A vision came into my mind of me standing before the throne with my contract, jumping up and down like a crazy woman...."just, please LORD sign it..." The Lord lead me to then cut out a heart and list upon it all my desires....all the things I was attempting to control.....all the beautiful plans I'd made for myself. And then I took out a plain piece of white paper and I signed it.....
I truly desire GOD to pen this story!
Fast forward a month or so and I am now mama to not one but two sweet boys! Not something that I had written into the pages of my story for 2010! Yet God in HIS mercy chose our family to be a refuge to a child in need! It's been a hard adjustment...much harder than I expected but God is doing an amazing work in our family! He's doing a work in our hearts, sealing His plan upon us and encouraging us to trust him ruthlessly!
It's been hard to balance my role as mama and my responsibilities here at Casa Bernabe. Hard to be what I need to be in all areas....tonight I feel broken! God has opened my eyes in the past days to the struggle that these little ones are truly faced with, he's broken my heart for our care givers who are raising not two but 16 or 18 little four year olds. Rejection, abandonment, FEAR and developmental delays make life so challenging! I can't see the future...have no idea what the Father is going to write but I know for today He's given me two sweet boys and I'm so grateful for the peace we feel in our home tonight!
Brigada 40
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
BRIGADA 40 Service Project
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
II Peter 1:5-8
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Strawberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Coffee
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Answered Prayers....
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Coffee, Chocolate and Cheese (Take 2)
"Coffee, Chocolate and Cheese..."
A little background: Years ago during my first years of service I lived with some AMAZING women in our baby house. We were all single and either adopting or fostering children. Often we'd find ourselves gathered around the kitchen table at 9:00p.m. or later for coffee, chocolate of some kind and a snack which usually included cheese in one form or another. It was a time of GREAT encouragment to my soul and accountability for my weak heart! In those times, around that table I didn't feel so alone....didn't so much notice that I was single...didn't so much miss my husband. I felt so satisfied in the LORD and so grateful for the dear friends that He was allowing me to fellowship with and glean from.
So as I considered sharing more personal thoughts through this blog I thought "Coffee, chocolate and cheese" would make a great title!
Each Sunday church is different! Different worship team, different preacher...etc. Normall Stefan and I take the three year olds out for Sunday School but today there was a special group of volunteers who came in to take our place, giving Stefan and I the opportunity to stay in "big church." Worship was AMAZING...and I really felt the LORD confirming some words that He had been speaking to me in private. Earlier I journaled about living a "surrendered life." Job lived a surrendered life without question....when life was falling in around him what did he do? WORSHIP....yes that's right, the man got on his face and worshiped the LIVING GOD. Now that is surrender! In the midst of crisis, trauma....UNREAL brokenness, Job didn't turn to his friends, he didn't run to his pastor or spiritual advisor, he didn't kill himself....HE WORSHIPED!
In the midst of our circumstances...good, bad or otherwise do we find ourselves grateful? My heart is convicted....
I deeply desire to live a life TOTALLY surrendered to the LIVING GOD. I want to reflect HIS glory in every desicion, attitude and response.
Challenged to live this week a bit different than the last...
Coffee, Chocolate and Cheese....
In the midst of our ministry and role here at Casa Bernabe, Stefan and I continue to grow as a family! It's been almost nine years since my little bundle of JOY was born and my mind reels as I look back and see the MIGHTY, COMPASSIONATE hand of God over our lives! Yesterday while on a tour of our facilities he came to me with a mirage of needs. As I attended him I listened to a dear friend TESTIFY to the GOODNESS of GOD through our story! At times it's so challenging to be a single mama, to work more than full time here in this ministry, to homeschool and somewhere in there still be me.....but I am learning more and more about what it truly means to live a SURRENDERED life.
Several months ago in the midst of more sorrow than I felt capable of bearing I began to ask, "GOD, seriously what is it that you want from me?" Stefan was struggling with the absence of a daddy in his life and I was feeling responsible, I was working through several really difficult situations with our children here at CB and just feeling ready to be a mama to a house instead of a Social Worker....there again knowing that without my husband that would be impossible. In that brokenness the questions in my heart were a deep ocean and I felt hopeless to change anything, incapable of taking the pain, the frustration....
"God, seriously what is it that you want from me?" I TRULY felt that I was living a surrendered took weeks but in the silence God began to reveal to me the picture of a crucible and an intense fire. What does GOD want from me? He wants to see His own GLORIOUS reflection in ALL that I Am.... AND in order to acheive those results the fire must get hotter, PRIDE must be destroyed, my "I CAN DO IT....OR better yet....I WILL DO IT MYSELF" attitude has to be crucified, my plans must become submissive to HIS purpose and I must be willing everyday to TRULY live a LIFE fully surrendered to the LIVING GOD.
Today as we prepare to worship with 160 children my prayer is that God will continue to refine me as a mama...that I might attend the needs, wants and desires of my precious little Stefan with WISDOM, that I might be a living example of the ONE that I serve....and that as a community we would be unified in seeking RESTORATION in the GOD who lives, moves among us and LOVES us more than we could ever imagine.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Holy Week...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Long overdue Update....January 14, 2010
About Me

- Toni Steere
- I am the daughter of the most amazing parents in the world, the sister of four amazing women and mother of the most amazing "little man" on the planet. My son Estefan and I are preparing to answer God's invitation to join the work He is doing at small orphanage in Guatemala. On June 22, 2009 we excitedly resumed our role as Discipleship Coordinator and Social Worker.
Lov'n Life!