Saturday, May 15, 2010

Strawberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Coffee

Some of my most favorite things in life....cheesecake, coffee and FLOWERS! God has been so good to give our family a little patio that we have FILLED with beautiful flowers which greet us each morning with their BEAUTY.
Tonight as I sip on chocolate coffee, give a spelling test and ponder the past weeks I'm AMAZED at the God I serve and the way HE empowers HIS children to do MORE than they feel capable of doing, to LOVE deeper than they can comprehend and to SERVE beyond what they feel their strength will allow. The past weeks have been a whirlwind of events, inspiring a mirage of emotions and ushering in exhaustion. I am comforted by Matthew 11....
"Come to me, all all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you WILL FIND REST for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Last week I had the honor of sharing God's WORD during our weekly youth meeting. Normally I am so nervous about speaking in front of ANYONE in Spanish BUT God was so good to shower me with peace about the whole ordeal. Still I didn't have a WORD that I truly felt was from HIM. At the last moment God began to speak to my heart about this AMAZING love story. Everyone loves a good love story and as God led me to Hosea, He began to challenge my heart in relation to our tendancy as Christians to play the harlot. We know the truth and yet so often deny the power thereof!
I thought about the first real love letter I ever received. It was a cold November morning and there on my snow covered windshield was a letter to me from a man who was pursuing my heart. Talk about BEAUTIFUL! I still remember what I felt and as I took a walk down memory lane God began to challenge my heart. What things distract me....facebook, work, even ministry from this beautiful relationship with the LIVING GOD?
The fun part of falling in love is getting to know the other person, their likes - dislikes, their character...especially under pressure.....experiencing LIFE together. Falling in love with the Living God is much the same and through his precious WORD we get to know His amazing character, the things that overjoy his heart and the ways that we continually break it. As we walk through life in this intimate relationship our experience is so much sweeter....and it goes on and on and on FOREVER!
Oh that He might help me to push through the distractions and obstacles and presser deeper into HIS HEART!

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About Me

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I am the daughter of the most amazing parents in the world, the sister of four amazing women and mother of the most amazing "little man" on the planet. My son Estefan and I are preparing to answer God's invitation to join the work He is doing at small orphanage in Guatemala. On June 22, 2009 we excitedly resumed our role as Discipleship Coordinator and Social Worker.

Lov'n Life!