Thursday, December 31, 2009
Embracing 2010....
God's merciful hand was over our lives in 2009...that we can say for sure! Our hearts overflow today as we reflect on the year and ponder 2010 and all that it will bring! It's a calm afternoon here on the mountainside and God's presence so real to me as I sit down to write! In a few hours our family, 200 strong will gather for worship and prayer. The Gospel will be presented and we pray for it to take root and well up, changing lives - - breaking chains, freeing these precious little ones and allowing them to walk in constant victory.
We've been home now for two days and they have been mind blowing days! God has ordered our steps and allowed us to see needs, pray over kids like crazy, love on kids and pick right up building relationships! Oh that these kids would only see our sweet Jesus when they see us, that they would feel his sweet embrace as we love on them.....that their hearts would be drawn to Him, to the healing in just the hem of His garmet, to the overwhelming love in His eyes.
More than any other year I am so excited and already hanging on tight for 2010. I'm so pumped about all that God began in 2009 and the vision He's given for 2010.
As we rested over the past three weeks I feel like God brought so much conviction to my heart, new perspective and just a HOPE in future grace for all of us. We experienced some difficult times in our first six months and admit that it was too easy to get caught up in circumstance rather than to keep my (our) eyes fixed on the One who is BIGGER than the pain and suffering that surrounds us.
So as we already embrace this beautiful new year we Declare that WE ARE HIS and we're hanging on tight for the adventure! HAPPY 2010 dear ones.....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Stefan and I have been reading through Matthew forever! It seems we'll never finish this book but everytime we open the WORD there is a serious WORD for our family. In the midst of reading I've been pondering all that Jesus came to do....the work of restoring us, a broken, hopeless people to a Holy God through perfect redemption on the cross.
Two weeks ago as I watched a little boy struggle to adjust, to accept love and grace in our home he spit on us, rejected our love.....
The Spirit of God has revealed to me so much through that experience. I cannot imagine the scorn, the rejection, the pain that Jesus felt as He bore up all my sin. As He was spit on, mocked, beaten and ultimately crucified so that I (we) could experience COMPLETE restoration....He willingly redeemed me (and all who would receive) at a price that is higher than I could ever imagine. How often do we, even those of us who "believe" reject Christ through attitudes and actions? I cannot tell you how much that spit in my face has caused me to think of all that Christ did to bring me life, and life more abundant. It has caused me to examine deeply....
I read a prayer the other day and it seems to be right in line with all that God is teaching me can read it and be challenged by it at
As we continue to ponder the time that God has granted for us to advocate for these little lives we ask that you would partner with us in prayer. That God would guide us in wisdom, that He would overwhelm us with a spirit of discernment and that our hearts would be willing to do exactly as He leads.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Dwelling...lessons learned from the field...
It seems as though the months passed in the blinking of an eye and yet as a family and personally we've learned so much in this season. We continually are amazed by God's immense grace and His limitless love!
One of my favorite books in college was A Chance to Die by Elizabeth Elliot. The book recounts the story of Amy Charmichael, a missionary to India who fearlessly served their children for 53 years. God had done some specific work in my soul before stumbling onto this book but as I turned the pages God confirmed time and time again His call on my life.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; withut him nothng was made that has been made. In HIM was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it....
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." John 1:1-5 & 14
As I sit in my sister's living room, glad to be among family I find myself lost in thought. Pondering words like restoration, redemption, forgiveness....And as I think about this season I can't help but find peace in John 1:14....He, JESUS, became flesh and made His dwelling among us. Among our hurts, our brokeness, our filth, our hopelessness He both dwelt and brought the promise of future grace. And as such we each have a chance to die, a chance to let go of what this crazy world has to offer and to hold on tight to JESUS!
Last week we received a new little one in our family. He was an unexpected gift and brought with him unexpected challenges. God has used this little one in my life personally in ways that surpass what I could pen here. Enrique is six. As we walked into his room to meet him for the first time it was clear that he was not adjusting well. At that moment I didn't have a word to describe was my eyes were seeing but later upon praying intensely I believe that the Lord revealed the the word fear. As we talked with Enrique he spit on us, attempted to bite us and growled. I had never, never experienced anything of the sort. The next day during worship our team played a song and as they played I watched this little one be radically transformed. He came running over to me and said..."Hey, this is my song...this is my song....that guy up there is singing my song." Fear left and peace flowed freely as the band sang. I asked Enrique at that point, "how do you know this song?" to which he replied, "I was watching t.v. one night and heard this song on the God channel and I knew that it was just for me."
I am continually amazed at the God we serve. He knew that little Enrique was going to join our family if only for a time and he prepared a special gift to help him to be at peace through that song. Gifts that only our loving Father could many things that God has taught me through Enrique this week.....
I am so grateful that Jesus came and dwelt among grateful for the promise that a day is coming where injustice will cease, mourning will turn to perfect JOY and suffering will end. I am grateful for the beautiful ways that God weaves our lives together as a community of faith and for the honor of standing in HOPE with the children of Casa Bernabe.
The longer we serve the more I feel the Lord impress on my heart that this is a long term commitment to raise the next generation of God-fearing, passionate young men and women in Guatemala. Amy Charmichael served fearlessly and passionately for 53 years in India. She was confident of the call on her life and passionate about glorifying God in and through it.
Please pray with us as we evaluate the last six months and look forward to 2010.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
25 years and more....
Here are a few pics from the races....
The celebration continued on Sunday with a program & dinner. It was such a special time! So many old and dear friends joined us to give thanks for the MIGHTY works of God in our lives throughout the past 25 years! Many, many children who grew up at Casa Bernabe returned with their children and stories of how God has been faithful in their lives throughout the years. We were also so blessed to have the Wyatt family join us from the US. They adoped little Jesse who was one the first babies to join our nursery on Casa Bernabe's main property. I have not seen Jesse for over six was so fun to get to squeeze him and to see and experience his sweet and tender heart all over again! He was so sweet to pack a special bag for Stefan of legos...not just any legos, his own! The boys chatted as old friends and it was just a beautiful reminder of the amazing family that we are all a part of in Christ.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Did your mommy and daddy leave you too?
"When you were a really little girl did your mommy and daddy bring you to this place and leave you here too?"
I wondered what was going through his mind in that moment? Rejection, feelings of abandonment...loneliness?
We had a long conversation about life and in the end he's still convinced that I too am an orphan and that I continue to live with my house-parent in the big green house. And you know I am okay with that because in a way it's true. There was a moment when I found myself in need of "forever" and in grace and mercy my Heavenly Father swooped in, satisfied that need and adopted me into His "forever" family.
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the Heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In LOVE He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will - to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have redemption..."
Eph. 1:3-7a
Please pray for these precious little ones as they wrestle....pray for healing to rise up in the most profound places. Please pray for the adoption situation in Guatemala, that God in mercy would impart wisdom to those in the highest positions in government as they make decision that will affect this generation and generations to come.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A life update....
The past few weeks have been so busy! Stefan just finished his 52nd day of homeschool which means he'll finish his 2nd six weeks shortly! He's doing so well....getting adjusted to the routine and really self-movtivated! He'll have the next few days off as we prepare for our big Thanksgiving celebration here on campus....
This year Casa Bernabe has celebrated 25 years of service to Guatemala's children! There have hundreds of children pass through the ministry and it's been amazing to hear testimonies of children who have had an encounter with the Living God and been changed forever by HIS unfailing, limitless love! This coming weekend we will get together with friends and family to honor the Lord for his faithfulness over the years! We are so excited to see old friends, to enjoy good food and to remember together all that God has done.....
On Saturday we will have fair like activities for the kiddos, a huge cook-out/picnic and then worship together. Then Sunday we will have a special activity/program highlighting the last 25 years and then we'll have a traditional Thanksgiving meal....we'll be sure to post pics as soon as possible.
We continue to meet with the youth and it's been so much fun! Please continue to pray for these young men and women as they prepare for their futures. We are looking forward to our last meeting on December 2nd. It will be a fun time to get together, eat and play games. We've been so impressed with these young people and their maturity as we've talked about such moral issues as abortion, stealing, abuse and more. Please continue to pray for open hearts and for healing to rise up through these meetings.
Over the next two weeks Stefan and I will have the opportunity to help finish painting Casa Nueva Esperanza which will allow for more relationship building with those boys! And I will finish up several projects before heading to OKC for Christmas. I have been working on calls to local donors and have much left to do on this project...please pray for favor as I communicate with those in our area about the need for continued sponsorship. I also have a newsletter and monthly thank you card to get out....
I am so grateful to work with such an amazing team, men and women truly committed to fighting for justice, loving deeply and seeking solutions for each child that enters our care. I am learning that while I often feel so incapable of doing what is before me that it's important to remember that if it's before me that God has allowed it and will equip my hands to accomplish the task.
Last week Flory and I went to a women's breakfast at a local restaurant. I was surprised, right there in the middle of the restaurant these women were worshiping, crying out to God for healing, restoration and a word in and for their lives. The woman who shared that morning talked about having victory in the battlefield of the mind. I was convicted that many days it's so easy to get defeated as the work is great here and the laborers are few. Sometimes what has to be done is overwhelming and I allow the task to defeat me. I was reminded through this meeting that I am more than an overcomer and that I am simply the vessel. Such a timely and good reminder in this busy season.
Please continue to pray for us:
- Pray for unity as our staff prepares for 2010.
- Pray for healing to rise up in every area, in every child.
- Pray for Stefan and I as we continue to build relationships with the children we serve.
- Pray for a supernatural impartation of Spanish in our lives. My job requires a high level of Spanish fluency and I have MUCH to learn...and little time to study.
- Pray for continued financial support so that our family can continue to stand in the gap.
- Please, please pray for the provision of a vehicle in our lives....we REALLY need a vehicle to be used on both a professional and a personal level.
- Please pray for our 2010 staff....there are so many needs in this area! Teachers, house-parents, house-helpers....etc.
Thanks for your prayers, support and love!!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
More on Samuelitos....(See earlier post for details...)
One of our kids giving a gift...
This is the sweet family that serves the children of "Samuelitos" each weekend. They provide Bibical instruction, education about such things as reforestation, abuse prevention, hygiene and more. This family also provides meals for these children who otherwise would likely only eat
Dia de la Biblia....Celebrating the WORD...
Samuelitos: Un Reto Para Vivir....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Beauty in our midst....
"A crown of Beauty instead of Ashes...
the oil of Gladness instead of Mourning...
a garment of Praise intead of a spirit of Despair..." Isaiah 61:3
It's been such a busy season....and yet so sweet! This week I have been working diligently on a Plan for Protection for our organaization. Casa Bernabe recently linked arms with the Viva Network - Red Viva here in Guatemala. Viva is an organization dedicated to training, networking and protecting children in crisis across the globe. As our involvement with Red Viva increases so do our oportunities to train our staff.
My section of training has to do with specific ways that we as an organization can be protecting the children that God entrusts to our care. It's been such a fun project. The information is amazing and will take us beyond evaluation and into action. While I am nervous about presenting in Spanish I'm so grateful for the oportunity to continue encouraging our staff, learning alongside one another and working hard together to create a healthy environment where we can grow kids God's way!
The boys at Nueva Esperanza continue to be so fun for me! There are 13 of them from 7 years old to 11 years old. I have one word for them...ENERGY! They are like a Monster Drink out of the can...ALWAYS! My goal in June was to get to know each child by name and I am so grateful to the Lord as he allows me each day really get to know each kid...beyond just their name.
Last week I spent a good deal of time just talking with different girls. It's been so good to hear their hearts, to sort of separate them from the rest and discover what makes them unique and then of course look for ways to help them live their dreams.
This week we've been so busy with all kinds of activities! We are getting ready to celebrate our 25th anniversary in November and so rehersals have begun for that. On Tuesday we spent time thanking a special group who have been here this week installing a really cool communication system. This will be so helpful especially at night!
Yesterday the psychologists had a really neat program to end their year with our art contest! At the end of the contest everyone stayed to watch a movie and have was raining and cloudy making it the perfect afternoon for a movie. Luky and Karla do such a great job with our kids....
Today we are celebrating the end of the scholastic year. There will be a special program to honor those completing the 6th grade as well as junior high. (I'll post pics a bit later...)
Thanks for your prayers as we continue to serve these children!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
New experiences, New hope....
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"I Love You, O Lord, my strength."
That day last week as Marlon and I drove into the city, God allowed for me to see a very clear picture of what this journey should look like. Not many words were spoken, I did not know the plan, all the stops we would make along the way and even more I didn't even know the road - I had to trust Marlon completely. AND daily I must completely trust God with every aspect of our lives. God is so merciful to prepare us in advance and to overwhelm us with His presence when this journey becomes more than we think we can bear.
When God sent me to Botswana, Africa 15 years ago I heard His voice very heart was broken for the helpless situations that I saw, for the suffering of precious children and for the sick. Now as God strengthens us to work with the 167 children at Casa Bernabe I find myself going back to that "call" and even further to the day when HOPE invaded my heart. And more than anything in this world my desire is that our children be invaded HOPE through Jesus Christ and that they never again experience that pain of hopelessness.
About two months ago God opened the doors for David McCormick and I to begin working with the young people at Casa Bernabe who are 15 years old or older. There are about 16 youth that fall into this age range and we've been able to meet with them twice. Our initial meeting was held in August and we explained our plan/purpose and then just chatted about events that impact our walk with Christ, questions about doctrine, manifestations of the Spirit and then what future meetings would look like. This past month we were so blessed to be able to take the kids out to a nice restaurant!
Our plan with this group of students is very well defined. The environment at Casa Bernabe is very closed, our school is here, our church is here, our garden is the opportunity for the older kids to be out functioning in society or at the very least observing how society functions is very limited. We realize that these particular students will quickly arrive at their 18th birthday and our desire is that they be prepared for what that means. Over the next two months - the kids are out of school for vacation - David and I will meet with the students six times. I will meet four times with the girls separately to discuss various issues that impact a woman's life....from friendships, to leadership, to hygiene and more. Then we will regroup and give opportunity to discuss various ethical issues that we face in society.
We are so excited about this opportunity!!! And we covet your prayers:
- Pray that God would give us favor as we build relationships with each one in the group.
- Pray that God would reveal Himself to each one. (Phil. 3: 12-16)
- Pray that God would mold their hearts, create strong, godly convictions in their hearts and that He Himself would establish them. (I Peter 5:10)
A quick testimony about our night out....
The kids had NO idea where we were going....we just asked them to dress nice and be ready at 5:45p.m. It took a while for us to get to the restuarant and they were so surprised when we finally arrived! While we waited for our meal we asked them to write down five goals that they have for themselves that they would like to accomplish in the next 2 years. We asked them to write down some qualities that they look for in a true friend and then to go a step further and to write down some qualities that they would look for in a spouse. We then shared our goals...
Many of the girls were so transparent with their hearts and it was obvious that the pain they've suffered is still so very real in their lives and really affects the way that they look at their future.
They all enjoyed our trip out!!! The food was amazing and the fellowship GREAT! They have all be dying to know when our next meeting will be and what we'll be doing! So please be praying! The girls and I will learn how to bake a common/easy dessert and well be talking about friendships and how good/bad friendships affect our attitudes, our studies and our behavior in general. We will have five special women joining us who have grown up at CB and now serve on staff. Thank you in advance for your prayers!!!
Stefan and I have chosen this picture to express our gratefulness to you this week! The past months have been so challenging but as we said good-bye to September we realized how truly blessed we are and how grateful to the Lord we are for his constant presence, provision and protection!
About a week ago the lights went out at 10:00a.m. and did not come back on until noon the next day. Not a big deal right? Right! It was an adventure to say the least, clothes could not be dried for school the next day, toilets could not be flushed and darkness covered our mountainside....that was until Tony hooked up the generator for the houses and we all carried water up to our bathrooms so that they could was actually kind of fun and most of all a great moment to recognize how truly blessed we are here! Much of society outside our walls has to wash clothes in the pila, bath in the pila, many have no electricity or running water in their homes....we here at Casa Bernabe have been so blessed by the provision of the Almighty!
And we the Steere Family have been so blessed to have all of our needs met each month!!!! THANK YOU!!!! We continue to trust the Lord in this area and are just so grateful for each of you and your willingness to be a part of this vital ministry in Guatemala.
Til next time...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Lessons on Suffering....
"Permit the children to come to Me, do not hinder
them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as
these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the
kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."
Mark 10:14–15 (NAS)
- Please pray for our children, that they will be drawn to the cross through the Kindness of King Jesus who rescued them out of darkness.
- Please pray for the grief process in each one of their lives. Pray that God will mercifully begin to heal the broken places and that freedom will abound instead of captivity.
- Please pray for rest, strength, passion and creativity for our staff as they care for each child.
Stefan and I are doing well as a family! We've been here for 3 full months we spent the day in immigration attempting to get new visas. It was a crazy process but in the end my new visa is in process and Stefan is a duel citizen and can now travel on his Guatemalan passport with no hassell! Thank you Jesus!
We started the homeschooling process about 10 days ago. It's been rough but Stefan is adjusting well and is so determined to finish his work daily! He's memorized Hebrews's so exciting to watch him grow and explore his faith. Stefan's made good friends in Casa Lamar (the 3-6 year old's house). They play daily and have so much fun together! He's even teaching some of them baseball....
Over the last few months I've been on a crazy learning journey! I've discovered that my spanish is horrible so that has been a work in progress. In addition I've been busy learning about processes that we use here at CB in the social work area. Learning lingo, reading up on the reasons that our kids are here as well as organizing our office. Thanks to FUMC - Niceville, FL we now have a nice lateral filing cabinet! Our office was painted and we are enjoying that! (Thanks Brian LaDue!)
God has also opened doors for me to help out in the area of Public Relations. I am now responsible for sending a monthly thank you letter/email to our local donors and once a month I help to compile inforamtion that we use for a newsletter here within Guatemala. This is an area that I find to be so difficult in Spanish...please pray for a supernatural experience in this area. If I could write fluently that would be so fantastic!
As I get to know each child my heart breaks more and more! Thank you for joining us on this journey! We are in the process of writting a very thorough be looking for that soon! Thanks for praying.....for standing with us believing for healing in the lives of our children and for supporting us financially so that we can be here doing what we do!!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
We are so blessed to be serving an ALMIGHTY God here in Guatemala!!! So blessed to love on children every day and to search for solutions, creative solutions to the challenges that life presents....
July passed by us so quickly....It seems it was only 24 hours long! We were so blessed to have AWESOME teams here during JULY, working, blessing and sharing JESUS in every action....each hug, each encouraging word, each prayer lifted!
Stefan and I continue to adapt to our new home.....We are definately past the "honeymoon" and into reality! Stefan has missed his family in such a profound way in these days! He's had the flu twice and now has an upper respitory thing going on but each day we determine together to put one foot in front of the other knowing that God has brought us this far....
Stefan spends the morning playing with the's so fun to watch him love on them....pushing them on the swings, huging them.....wiping their tears....being a true friend....BEAUTIFUL! We are studying Individuality this month...."Discovering who you are meant to be so YOU can make a difference." Each day brings new opportunity to put our daily devos to work.....(Thanks PAULANN for the tools to keep developing Character in my little one!)
I have been working on projects....LOOKING forward to completing some this week. Newsletters, July thank you letters, weekly occupancy reports (God truly has a since of humor! I ran from this exact project in Texas....THANKS ASU for the skills to do this!) and all kinds of other little projects.....Definately keep busy 10 hours a day!
Prayer requests:
- PROTECTION: Please pray for our protection as we leave the safe walls of CB and drive in and out of the city.
- WISDOM: The Bible says that he who asks for it will receive it....WE NEED IT and WE ARE ASKING! Each day brings so many challenges and we need wisdom....
- DISCERNMENT: Please pray that we will respond well to each situation and that we will be able to discern what lies in the hearts of each of our precious children and therefore guide them through this life more effectively.
- PRODUCTIVITY: I have so many projects started on my desk. Please pray that I can complete these projects WELL and be able to more to the next step.
THANK YOU! We are so blessed to be here....continuing the FIGHT - Tonilynn and Stefan
Sunday, July 12, 2009
FINALLY a blog entry...
Friday, July 3, 2009
Hearts of service....
We have several amazing teams here right now....and they too have been so amazing! Our family enjoyed a moment of worship last night with one of the teams and I was greatly impacted by the lyrics of one of the songs that they sang...Take me in...I am going to write the lyrics below and pray that as they challenged my heart that they will both encourage you in your times of personal worship and challege you as you serve those in your community.
Take me past the outer courts
and through the Holy Place
Past the brazen alar
Lord I wanna see your face
Pass me by the crowds of people
And the Priests who sing their praise
I hunger and thirst for your righteousness
But it's only found in one place
take me into the Holy of Holies
Take me in by the blood of the Lamb
Take me into the Holy of Holies
Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am. (Kutless - StrongTower)
When our children look to us may they see imperfect servants of a Holy God in constanst pursuit of purity, holiness and more of Him! More of His presence!!!
Please continue praying for us! We are glad to be here!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
True Prosperity by James Robison
During my time at ASU books would randomly appear on my desk...usually GREAT books....
Just before my departure...a new set of books appeared and among them was the book True Prosperity by James Robison. As I watched Stefan swim yesterday I picked it up and began to read...I was not ready for what the pages of this book contained!
Over the past several months as we've prepared to leave for Guatemala I have struggled through what it means to "give up what I cannot keep to gain what I cannot lose." Let me explain....
For the past four years I have made a home for my family....which of course is not limited to material things but of course includes them. I wanted our home to be comforting, safe and a refuge really from the business of life. And as I began preparing our family to move to Guatemala I struggled to give up sentimental things - - - like picture frames, special projects that Stefan made and even some items of furniture. I wondered if I was sinning by not wanting to get rid of "stuff" and rationalized that I had had a HUGE garage sale and several free bazars at my home giving things to friends and students. Still on the night before we were to leave there was so much "stuff" left. Had I been disobedient?
As I walked to the dumpster for the millionth time, I felt the Lord whisper to my heart:
"Toni do you not think that ALL of me is better than all this stuff?"
The Apostle Paul addresses this very issue in II Corinthians 7:8-9
"See that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich."
My answer: Yes....YES Lord I know that ALL of you is better...only help me to obey.
As I read through True Prosperity God is confirming the battle/struggle that is raging inside me and I am beginning to see that even through I feel it's important to craft a home for my make a place for him to feel secure, comfortable and safe from this world, it is even more important to seize opportunities to invest in Stefan's little heart....because while the picture frames will not accompany us on our journey into eternity - - Stefan's little heart/soul will.
I am humbled today! And grateful for the Father's patience as He teaches me the way that I should walk!
(If you have a chance....pick up True Prosperity by James Robison! The Lord has really used it in my life!)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Two weeks from tomorrow - - June 22, 2009
Last week we finished up our season at Angelo State was tough letting go, stepping to the side and accepting the end! That may sound a bit weird but I think it's just part of the journey toward surrender. We cleaned out our apartment, said our good byes, packed the car and headed for Oklahoma last Sunday! We arrived to a surprise Birthday celebration at my parents house for Estefan....he turned 8 on May 21st! (that also seems so crazy!!!!) Stefan LOVES popcorn and so his grammy and aunties make him a popcorn cake - - - it was the coolest thing! They carved popcorn kernals out of yellow and white marshmellows and glued them on cupcakes using frosting - AMAZING!
Stefan was stunned! Then his aunties blessed him with new clothes for Guatemala and a new portable dvd player - SUCH A BLESSING! He will be able to watch his school videos on this since we don't have a TV. God has just so provided for us each step of the way and as I look back I am just overwhelmed by the details, the care and the ways that He's provided!
As I was packing up our house I found an old "To Do List" on my desk. On it I had written...three supporting churches???? I am share that God has provided six!!!!
PaulAnn Baptist Church
First Baptist Church, Supulpa
Iglesia Vision de Fe
Snow Hill Baptist Church
Houston's First Baptist Church
Primera Iglesia Bautista el Calvario
These churches have committed to pray for us, to encourage us and to support us financially! It's been so amazing to watch this all come together! We are so excited about speaking in 3 services on Sunday @ Supulpa and would be so blessed to see some of you there!
Beyond these churches we have received or have committments financially for our entire budget!!!! This is a HUGE praise and we are so grateful for all those who have committed to give, have already given and who will give so that our family can focus on ministry at Casa Bernabe. This is an amazing gift! To not have to worry about finances is HUGE! THANK YOU!!!
We are working this week on getting things tied up - - - so many details...
Meanwhile we have some HUGE prayer requests for the ministry itself....
- Pedro Hernandez - Pedro has been ill for a while now and recently has spent a great deal of time in the hospital. His liver is diseased and he has a very tough infection raging through his body. Please pray for his health - For God to touch Pedro's body in a way that only the Great Physician can. Please pray for his wife - Donie- that God would strengthen her during this time and that she would feel God's sweet peace overwhelm her. Please pray for their children -
- Flory Herrera - For strength and wisdom as she makes decisions daily for all the kiddos at CB.
- This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the ministry and we are so excited about opportunities to give God glory and celebrate all that He has done in the ministry throughout these years. Please pray that God will continue to use us and empty us for His namesake in Guatemala.
Okay...this has been a long update....THANK YOU again for your support, love and for your prayers as we journey on!

About Me

- Toni Steere
- I am the daughter of the most amazing parents in the world, the sister of four amazing women and mother of the most amazing "little man" on the planet. My son Estefan and I are preparing to answer God's invitation to join the work He is doing at small orphanage in Guatemala. On June 22, 2009 we excitedly resumed our role as Discipleship Coordinator and Social Worker.
Lov'n Life!